Local Serving Opportunities:

Nanny Bea Foundation -

The Nanny Bea Foundation provides bags of Household Necessities to those who are shut in and can’t get out to the stores. Volunteers deliver the bags to recipients of the Meals On Wheels Program. Starting this month, they are trying to fill 100 bags per month. If you can help, please bring items to the church during business hours. The biggest needs right now are:

Bar Hand Soap

Non-Aerosol Cleaning Products

Blessing Bags -

Suzie Henry is collecting small items for Blessing Bags. The bags will be handed out to the homeless or anyone out on the streets that look like they could use some blessings. Some suggestions are travel-size toiletries, non-perishable snacks, sunscreen, etc.

There is a box in the lobby for any items that you would like to contribute.