Session 1 - The Aseity of God

Unlike us, God has no beginning nor end, and He is not dependent upon anyone or anything. Dive into this study on the self-existence of God.


Session 4 - The Wrath of God

Often neglected, the wrath of God is essential to us understanding the depths of God’s Lordship, and even His love. It is this very understanding of the wrath of God that helps us to navigate our need for salvation.


Session 7 - The omniscience of God

The human mind has a limited capacity. Because of that, it’s hard for us to fathom the idea of a being who knows all things perfectly. Join us as we take a look at the clear and consistent teaching found in Scripture of the omniscience of God.

Session 2 - The spirituality of God

God is Spirit, immaterial, invisible, and infinite. How do we understand this? Join us for this study as we unpack the spirituality of God.


Session 5 - the Grace of God

It is by God’s grace that we are saved. But what does it really mean that God is a God of grace? Join us in this study as we search out what grace really is, and why it’s so amazing.


Session 8 - The foreknowledge of God

One of the most misunderstood attributes of God is the foreknowledge of God. In this session, we will call out those misconceptions, and bring a proper understanding to what the foreknowledge of God actually is.

Session 3 - The holiness of God

God is uniquely set apart from all of His creation. He is infinitely superior and He is absolutely morally pure. Join this study to get a better grasp on the Holiness of God.


Session 6 - The immutability of God

It’s hard for any one person to go an hour without changing in some way. We change our desires, actions, and minds all the time. But God never changes. What does it look like to put our trust in a God who is the only sure anchor in an ever-changing world?


Session 9 - The sovereignty of God

God is King, and the attribute most closely associated with His Kingship is His sovereignty. There is more to the sovereignty of God than just His kingship however. To call God sovereign is to ascribe to Him a rule and authority that transcends space and time itself.